Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Poetry - RAINY DAY, MY FAVOURITE DAY by Aroush Nihal Babu


by Aroush Nihal Babu

Rainy days, they are wonderful days,
After rains, the puddle lays.

Kids go splash, in the puddles,
And watch rainbow in cuddles.

Moms make warm spicy snacks,
With dads pouring coffee from the flasks.

Boys are seen with paper boats,
Grandpas looking cool in their coats.

Babies frightened at the sound of thunder,
Grandmas comforting and holding them closer

People, who are tensed, watch the rains,
Your problems soon would go down the drains.

Rainy days, they are my favourite days,
Pray ,God makes more rainy days.

Poem written by:

Aroush Nihal Babu,
Grade 7,
Indian Islahi Islamic School,AUH.

S/o M.S.Jageer Babu,Bindu j Babu, Abu Dhabi

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